NFS, or where to store stuff on your cluster

— 5 minute read

My earlier post on setting up NFS persistent volumes was based around my Synology, and so is of limited use to people who don't have a similar setup, so given that everything is based of RHEV it seems a good idea to create a VM and run a RHEL-based NFS server. Helps keep everything 'in the box' and is a useful pattern to have.

To begin, I set up a RHEL8 VM, gave it an 80GB partition because I'm being a little frugal, and set it up in my usual manner, adding the usual repos, and registering it with IDM.

subscription-manager register
subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool id>
subscription-manager repos --disable=*
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
yum update
yum install ipa-client -y
ipa-client-install --enable-dns-updates

Once my base system was set up, I ran yum install nfs-utils, but to my surprise the package is already installed, so that's a small victory \o/. The next steps are starting the service, setting it to start at boot, and checking the status, all done like so

systemctl start nfs-server.service
systemctl enable nfs-server.service
systemctl status nfs-server.service

This now gives us a running nfs server, but it's a bit useless unless we create some shares on it. THis involves creating some suitable folders on the file system, and adding it to the /nfs/exports/ config file. I'll start with deciding that /mnt/nfs is a suitable directory to add my shares, and the first thing I want to store is the OpenShift registry, so I created the folder, added an entry to the exports file (which was empty), and applied it to the system, being sure to set the owner to nobody.

mkdir -p  /mnt/nfs/registry
chown -R nobody: /mnt/nfs/
chmod -R 777 /mnt/nfs/
vi /etc/exports
## Add this to empty exports file
## Apply this change
exportfs -arv

What's been created is an export that is available to everything on the subnet (which is now the subnet of my lab), and allows read and write access, that NFS writes to disk when requested. To check that this has been applied, exportfs -s will list all exports known to the system.

Finally, we want to ensure that the firewall rules allow connections, which can be achieved by the following:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=rpc-bind
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=mountd
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=nfs
firewall-cmd --reload

This should now give us something that OpenShift can connect to, so we need to go back over there to configure a Persistent Volume, and Claim it for the registry. For this we can follow the previous post, by visiting Persistent Volumes -> Create Persistent Volume in the console, and adding the following YAML to configure:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: registry-pv
storage: 10Gi
- ReadWriteMany
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle
path: /mnt/nfs/registry

This will create the volume with the name registry-pv, that is pointing to my NFS VM. The reclaim policy is set to Recycle so that space is freed up when a claim is deleted. This can also be set to Retain or Delete if required. In my case, I was keeping it simple so largely left things as default.

Once the Persistent Volume was created, I essentially have 10GB of 'space' that I want to use for the internal image registry, I need to claim sthis volume by creating a Persistent Volume Claim. In a similar manner to PVs, this can be done through the console, by visiting Persistent Volume Claims -> Create Persistent Volume Claim, and adding the following YAML to configure:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: registry-pvc
namespace: openshift-image-registry
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 10Gi
storageClassName: slow

In order to get the internal image registry to use our new claim, we need to edit the operator, run oc edit, and under the spec section, add the following to make the registry managed, and using the pvc.

claim: registry-pvc
replicas: 3
managementState: Managed

With that, you should be good to go, and if you build and deploy an application, you should see the images in the /mnt/nfs/registry directory, and all should be well.